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Spotlight on… Jayne Gordon, Concord Historian

Many people know Jayne Gordon as the Concord historian, leading tours around town, answering questions and conducting classes that focus on the town’s rich history. But as those who know her would be quick to point out, Concord historian is much too narrow a description for who she is and what she does…


Undoing Racism

Undoing Racism Talk Cohosted with First Parish in Concord

November 5 • 3-5 pm • First Parish in Concord, 20 Lexington Rd.


What Would Henry Do?

Based on Thoreau Farm's new book, What Would Henry Do? Essays for the 21st Century, a panel of Thoreauvian essayists,…


A hidden treasure at the Robbins House

Robbins House board member Jayne Gordon is talking to a crowd of about 20 people attending one of Freedom’s Way’s Hidden Treasures event at the house on May 13 when a sharp rap on the front door causes her to pause. Moments later Peter Robbins, aka Joe Zellner, strides into the room wearing a top hat and coat and carrying a long walking stick.

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