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Conversations in a Civil Society: Agreeing to Disagree

Tuesday, April 3, 2018 • 7–9 PM • Panel Discussion at Concord Carlisle High School • Sponsored by Concord Carlisle Adult and Community Education Come join this discussion on how to navigate our differences: politics, religion, values, life style. How do we learn to have conversations around issues that sometimes divide us? How do we learn to listen better, discuss, and even bridge that divide?

Making history come alive in Concord

If Ellen Garrison were alive today, she would have been thrilled to see the eager young faces gathered in the Robbins House to not only learn about Concord’s African-American history, but also to hear about the important role Garrison played in advocating for civil rights in the 1800s.

Robbins House Outdoor Exhibit Feedback

Installed July 2017

The Robbins House recently installed a timeline of the long Civil Rights movement listing local, state and national events. We invite visitors to let us know what current events they’d add, since our timeline ends in 2017 but will stand in front of the Robbins House for years to come. Much has happened just in the few months since the outdoor exhibit was installed. Here is a response we just received:


New Research Discovery!

Ellen Garrison, 19th Century Robbins House Civil Rights Activist, Buried in John Brown’s Family Pasadena Cemetery

1892 Mountainview Cemetery records in Pasadena, CA, reveal that Ellen Garrison Clark died of tuberculosis at age 69.

While visiting California last week, Robbins House president Maria Madison took time out to visit the Mountainview Cemetery in Pasadena / Altadena, where we knew Ellen Garrison was buried. Here’s what she found out…

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